Can you name this animal that went extinct about 3,700 years ago?
Woolly mammoth
Asian elephant
What is the name of this animal that went extinct sometime in the 1930s?
Javan tiger
Sumatran tiger
Caspian tiger
Tasmanian tiger
What is the name of this species that is believed to have gone extinct sometime in the 17th century?
What is the name of this species that went extinct sometime in the early 20th century?
Lord Howe gerygone
Passenger pigeon
Pagan reed warbler
North Island piopio
What is the name of this species that was officially declared extinct in 2011?
What is the name of this species of dolphin that hasn't been seen since 2002?
Amazon river dolphin
Striped dolphin
Baiji white dolphin
Irrawaddy dolphin
The last individual from this species was killed in the year 2000. What is this animal's name?
West Caucasian tur
Pyrenean ibex
What is the name of this whale species that is believed to have been driven to extinction by warming climates 10 or 11 million years ago?
Fin whale
Bowhead whale
Leviathan melvillei
What is the name of this species that was hunted to extinction in the 18th century?
False killer whale
Caribbean monk seal
Steller's sea cow
The last individual from this flightless bird species was killed in 1844 when residents of a town believed it was a witch and caused a large storm. What is the animal's name?
Flightless cormorant
Great auk
Southern cassowary
This species of bear went extinct in the 19th century. What is its name?
Steppe brown bear
Mexican grizzly bear
Atlas bear
California grizzly bear
This seemingly half-zebra half-horse species from South Africa went extinct in the 19th century. What is its name?
Norfolk trotter
This Japanese wolf was hunted to extinction by 1905. What is its name?
Dire wolf
Siberian wolf
Red wolf
Honshu wolf
The Jurassic Park movies portrayed these extinct dinosaurs as being much larger than they actually were. What is their name?
Tyrannosaurus Rex
The largest shark ever in history, pictured below, is believed to have gone extinct around 3.6 million years ago. What is its name?
Scissor-toothed shark
Ginsu shark
Mega-toothed shark