If You Don’t Get a “C” Or Better on This Geography Quiz, You Need to Repeat 5th Grade

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Geography is the study of the world around us from past to present, so it is an important subject to be somewhat well-versed in. You really shouldn't be graduating to middle school if you are not able to get at least 60% of the questions here correct. If you are not able to get a "C" grade or better on this geography quiz, you probably need to repeat the 5th grade. Depending on your age, that might be kind of embarrassing for you.

In addition to being an important subject, geography is one of the most interesting subjects anyone can learn about. Anyone who receives an education in geography has a better understanding of the world they live in than they would have otherwise. Geography is our world and studying it is one of the great pleasures any of us gets to participate in.

If you think you could pass a fifth-grade geography quiz, then go ahead and give this your best shot.

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