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๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz?

Can you fill in the missing word from each of these questions?

Even after many years of education, there are certain things that some people still get confused by. For me, it's the laws of physics. For others, it's arithmetic. And for many, it's grammar.

It's not easy. Words and phrases that sound fine in your head can look like gibberish when written down โ€“ that is, if you even realize you made a mistake in the first place. It's easy for little grammar mistakes to slip by, especially when you're self-editing.

But how do you prevent grammatical errors if you're not even aware you're making them?

Well, you can start by taking this quiz to see if you are making any of these common grammar mistakes. (It's okay โ€“ we're all guilty of at least one.) Make a mental note to avoid that mistake in the future, or heck, just bookmark this quiz to test yourself over and over (and over) again.

Some are easy, others not so much. Can you fill in the missing word from each of these questions?

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๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Questions

Robert Frost: "A bank is a place ______ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain."

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? bank
  • where

  • ware

  • were

  • wear

  • we're

Do not use low-fat milk. It will ______ the taste.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Milkshakes
  • None of these

  • affect

  • effect

Do you prefer the ______, middle or window seat on the airplane?

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Airplane Seat
  • I'll

  • None of these

  • aisle

  • isle

Albert Einstein: "Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can ______ you mine are still greater."

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Albert Einstein
  • None of these

  • assure

  • ensure

  • insure

The source was ______ in the bibliographies and I am anxious to add this information to my pile of reading.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Old Books
  • cited

  • sited

  • None of these

  • sighted

Even though Jane usually agrees with her husband, she had to ______ with him on the subject of selling their summer home.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Summer Home
  • dissent

  • decent

  • descent

  • None of these

More than 15 people left ______ coats in the cloakroom.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Cloakroom
  • None of these

  • they're

  • their

  • there

Over the course of the Queen's ______, over a million people have attended garden parties at Buckingham Palace.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Buckingham Palace
  • None of these

  • rain

  • reign

  • rein

We need ___ of ice for all the people at this party and their drinks.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? partying
  • many

  • alot

  • allot

  • much

  • a lot

I am going to the fair, _______ it's raining or not.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Fair
  • whether

  • wether

  • weather

  • None of these

The buffet provided excellent variety, ____, vegetarian and non-vegetarian soups, Italian and French breads, and numerous sweets.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? buffet
  • such that

  • e.g.

  • i.e.

  • None of these

John went to the cinema with David and ___.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Cinema
  • me

  • None of these

  • I

  • myself

Fifteen minutes into the film, I had fallen asleep because the plot had failed to ______ my interest.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? eating snacks during movie
  • peak

  • pique

  • None of these

  • peek

I need to ____ over these documents before tomorrow.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? person working
  • None of these

  • poor

  • pour

  • pore

If you notice any faulty office equipment or hazards, please report them to your supervisor ______ will notify the management.

๐Ÿ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz? Female Manager Supervising Employee in Office
  • which

  • whom

  • who

  • that

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