πŸ–‹ Can You Pass This Tricky Fill-In-The-Blanks Quiz?

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You sailed through this quiz like the pro you are! You were probably the envy of your English class as you swerved and dodged your way through the complications of grammar and the weird, wild English language. Most people really struggle with these words and phrases, but you were unfazed! You are probably the one in your social group that politely corrects everyone as they destroy proper grammar and spelling, and we respect that! (We know you are probably correcting our grammar right now.) Someone has to maintain order, right?


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Even after many years of education, there are certain things that some people still get confused by. For me, it's the laws of physics. For others, it's arithmetic. And for many, it's grammar.

It's not easy. Words and phrases that sound fine in your head can look like gibberish when written down – that is, if you even realize you made a mistake in the first place. It's easy for little grammar mistakes to slip by, especially when you're self-editing.

But how do you prevent grammatical errors if you're not even aware you're making them?

Well, you can start by taking this quiz to see if you are making any of these common grammar mistakes. (It's okay – we're all guilty of at least one.) Make a mental note to avoid that mistake in the future, or heck, just bookmark this quiz to test yourself over and over (and over) again.

Some are easy, others not so much. Can you fill in the missing word from each of these questions?

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