Only people with high intelligence can pass this random knowledge quiz. Perhaps you are someone with such a level of intelligence, however. We don't recommend you be overconfident, though. Most people feel they have an above-average level of intelligence but statistics and mathematics show that this is impossible to be the case. All the same, having a large amount of general knowledge is a great way to impress people and make them think that you are smart.
This quiz will test your knowledge on a variety of subjects so please don't think you can study up on one or two and still do well here. Having a large amount of random knowledge is a difficult state to achieve but if you are able to do so, then you will be able to do well on quizzes like this or when yelling out the answers to Jeopardy! questions on TV. If you think you have the smarts and knowledge required to pass, then go ahead and give this quiz your best shot.
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Get PremiumIf You Can Pass This General Knowledge Quiz, You Have High Intelligence Questions
What artist created the below painting titled "The Persistence of Memory"?

Salvador Dali
Andy Warhol
Claude Monet
Pablo Picasso
What is another name for the species sometimes referred to as wildebeest?

What is the nautical term for the right side of a ship?

Also known as the "Dog Star," what is often considered the brightest star in the night sky?

P Cygni
HD 140283
Sirius A
UY Scuti
What film won Best Picture at the 2018 Academy Awards?

The Shape of Water
Green Book
On what state holiday does the Boston Marathon take place?

Running Day
Earth Day
World Health Day
Patriots' Day
Nicknamed the "Galveston Giant", this boxer was the first black man to win the World Heavyweight Championship. What is his name?

Sam Langford
Joe Gans
Cassius Clay
Jack Johnson
What is the name of the person who tried to assassinate U.S. president Ronald Reagan in 1981?

James Earl Ray
Nathuram Godse
John Wilkes Booth
John Hinckley Jr.
What is the name of these famous Converse shoes first manufactured in 1917?

Converse Pumps
Converse Chuck Taylor All Star
Converse One Star
Converse Jack Purcell
What is a group of pigs called?

A gathering
A herd
A pack
A mess
Who played the role of Superman in the 1978 film by the same name?

Dean Cain
Brandon Routh
Christopher Reeve
George Reeves
What is the name of the 1957 television drama (and later a stage play) based on Helen Keller's life?

Out of the Dark
The Miracle Worker
The Story of My Life
Angels in America
Founded in 1274 by the Teutonic Knights, what castle (pictured below) is often considered the largest in the world?

Castle Greyskull
Neuschwanstein Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Malbork Castle
There are only two landlocked countries in South America. One is Paraguay. What is the other landlocked country?

What is the former name of Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City?

Hai Phong
Da Nang
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