Can We Guess the Generation You’re from Based on How You Define These Words?

You got: Millennial.

39% of players got this result!

You are a millennial! We know the other generations are giving you a hard time right now but eventually, they'll be gone and you'll be complaining about those who are younger than you. Have fun with that!


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Every generation has its own slang, jargon, lingo, and the meaning that certain words hold for you can reveal a lot about which generation you were born into. The different ways that people from other generations use words basically confirms that none of us are really speaking the same language to each other.

Do you ever wonder why millennials don't get along with boomers? It might be because they are speaking different languages to one another and expecting the other to understand. If you're wondering why generation Xers don't get along with other generations, it's because they just generally don't like other people or don't care to try.

In this quiz, we will ask you what certain words mean to you and you will select the answer which best describes this. Based on how you define these words we will determine which generation you are a part of.

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