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Half the Population Can’t Pass This Random Trivia Quiz, And I Doubt You Can Either

This quiz just might teach you something new.
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Do you consider yourself to be more of a book smart person or a street smart person? Whatever smart you are, there is definitely something for you to learn in this quiz. Do you know that polar bears often hunt walruses by simply charging at a group of them and eating the ones that were crushed or wounded in the mass panic to escape? Or the fact that one horse can have approximately 15 horsepower? Horsepower is about 746 watts. The term was coined in the late 18th century.

One person's common sense is another person's enlightenment, and that's the beauty of knowledge. Just because a random trivia factoid is common sense to you doesn't mean it's common knowledge to everyone else. Whatever your area of expertise is, you're likely to be challenged by some of these questions.

And now here's your chance to challenge the trivia genius in you and test your knowledge. The wide range of questions covering many different trivia topics will have you scratching your head for answers! Are you going to prove yourself to be a trivia guru or get lost along the way?

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Half Population Can’t Pass This Random Trivia Quiz, & I Doubt You Can Either Questions

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