😠 What % Antisocial Are You?

You're 50% Antisocial!

51% of players got this result!

You're great at conversation and lead a pretty active social life, but you find it difficult to be with people all the time. You’re antisocial sometimes, and that’s fine. People are exhausting.


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You might be a very sociable person or you might be someone who is considered antisocial by other people. The type of person you are in this regard will determine much about your social life, career, family life and how some other people view you. Naturally, you shouldn't concern yourself too much with the opinions of others anyway but all the same, this quiz will let you know if you are antisocial or not.

People who are considered social butterflies may have a lot of advantages in society. On the other hand, they can come off as quite annoying and tiresome to someone who is less sociable or an introvert who would rather be left alone.

If you would like to find out just how antisocial you are, then have a go at this quiz, and we will let you know exactly what percentage of your personality is antisocial.

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