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What % Stubborn Are You?

Do you always have to be right?

Some of us can be pretty stubborn from time to time. A stubborn person is one who refuses to budge from their opinion or position, no matter how much evidence exists that they should do exactly that. To a certain extent, this is a healthy function of a normal human being. We all need to have confidence in our own thoughts and actions, otherwise, we’d never be able to do anything out of a crippling fear of failure. We need our egos, but sometimes they can go overboard and make us look silly. This is what happens to stubborn people.

A stubborn person will not change their opinion no matter what and this is an unfortunate mindset to be in. While we all need confidence, we also need to be flexible in our opinions so as not to do the wrong thing over and over again. Take this quiz to find out how stubborn you really are.

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What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Questions

Scenario: After leaving a store, you notice the cashier didn't return you the correct change, leaving you short. Do you go back inside the store to get the correct amount of change?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Cashier
  • Yes

  • Not sure

  • No

  • It depends on how much money we are talking about

After a debate (or argument) how often do you think about what you should have or could have said?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Argument Quarrel Conflict Fight
  • Never

  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Frequently

How do you normally own up to a mistake?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Gctv Mistakes
  • Admit I was at fault

  • I never admit to being wrong

  • Explain why I was wrong and how it's not really my fault

  • Not sure

How often do you find yourself having debates with people you do not know on social media?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz frustrated person
  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Frequently

  • Never

How often is someone able to change your mind about something?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Couple Talking
  • Frequently

  • Rarely

  • Never, I'm always right

  • Sometimes

Scenario: Someone offers to give you directions but you say you know how to find the location. You then get lost. Do you contact the person who offered to help you initially and ask for directions?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Stormtrooper Gives Directions To Lost Traveler
  • Yes

  • Not sure

  • It depends on how lost I am

  • No

Would you be willing to hurt your friend's feelings in order to prove yourself right in a debate or argument?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Mean Friends Scolding Critical Toxic Friendship
  • No

  • It depends on how close a friend it is

  • Not sure

  • Yes

When making a big decision in your life, how many people do you consult to get their opinion?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Woman Thinking
  • It depends on what decision

  • None

  • 2 or more people

  • 1 person I trust

Would you rather be the boss or part of a team?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz talking to your boss
  • Boss

  • Neither, I prefer to work alone

  • Part of a team

  • It depends on what the other team members are like

Scenario: You are meeting a friend at 12:00 but he or she doesn't show up until 12:15. Do you bring up the fact that they are late?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Man waiting for the train to arrive in a railroad station
  • No, it's only 15 minutes

  • Yes

  • Not sure

  • It depends on how often this friend has been late in the past

Scenario: You are in a line queuing for something. Somebody that had been behind you has now gotten ahead of you. Do you confront the person?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Lines Queue
  • It depends on how I think that person will react

  • Not sure

  • No

  • Yes

You are on a movie review site and see that several people have given a movie you like bad reviews. How do you handle the situation?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Working On Laptop Computer
  • Respond to the negative reviews with reasons why the people are wrong in their opinions

  • Forget about it and move on with my life

  • Write a positive review for the movie

  • Not sure

How often do you let someone else win an argument simply because you no longer want to argue?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Couple Conflict Argument Quarrel
  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Frequently

  • Never

If your phone or other technological device starts to malfunction, how do you typically handle the situation?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Woman On Phone
  • Throw that piece of junk out!

  • Call customer service right away

  • Attempt to fix the problem myself and then call customer service

  • None of these

Do you feel your friends consider you stubborn?

What % Stubborn Are You? Quiz Friends Laughing Funny
  • If they think I'm stubborn then they are wrong

  • No

  • Yes

  • Not sure

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