Scenario: After leaving a store, you notice the cashier didn't return you the correct change, leaving you short. Do you go back inside the store to get the correct amount of change?
After a debate (or argument) how often do you think about what you should have or could have said?
How do you normally own up to a mistake?
How often do you find yourself having debates with people you do not know on social media?
How often is someone able to change your mind about something?
Never, I'm always right
Scenario: Someone offers to give you directions but you say you know how to find the location. You then get lost. Do you contact the person who offered to help you initially and ask for directions?
Would you be willing to hurt your friend's feelings in order to prove yourself right in a debate or argument?
When making a big decision in your life, how many people do you consult to get their opinion?
Would you rather be the boss or part of a team?
Scenario: You are meeting a friend at 12:00 but he or she doesn't show up until 12:15. Do you bring up the fact that they are late?
Scenario: You are in a line queuing for something. Somebody that had been behind you has now gotten ahead of you. Do you confront the person?
You are on a movie review site and see that several people have given a movie you like bad reviews. How do you handle the situation?
Not sure
Respond to the negative reviews with reasons why the people are wrong in their opinions
Forget about it and move on with my life
Write a positive review for the movie
How often do you let someone else win an argument simply because you no longer want to argue?
If your phone or other technological device starts to malfunction, how do you typically handle the situation?
Throw that piece of junk out!
Call customer service right away
Attempt to fix the problem myself and then call customer service
None of these
Do you feel your friends consider you stubborn?