What does 'ALF' stand for?
A Loving Friend
Alien Life Form
A Lame Front
What planet did Alf come from?
Why did Alf come to Earth?
What is Alf's girlfriend's name?
What is the last name of the family Alf lived with?
Which of these is one of the people that lived in the Tanners' house?
What is the name of the cat that Alf always tried to eat?
On the ALF TV show, what does Willy do for a living?
Social worker
What was the only thing that would kill the cockroach from Melmac?
Kate's perfume
Cooking Oil Spray
Spray tan
Where did ALF get the money for the car he bought Lynn?
Sold the gold from his spaceship
"Borrowed" the money from Willy
Put it on Willy's credit card
What musical was Willy going to see when ALF sang "Hey Kate, ain't it great! Hey Willy, you look silly"?
"Westside Story"
What is ALF's catch phrase?
"How you doin'?"
"Haaa... I kill me!"
"How's it goin'?"
What did ALF make for Lynn when he had a crush on her?
A rock video
A poem
In the Christmas Special, ALF was stuck in an elevator with a woman who was in labor. What did she name her daughter?
What did ALF say about the color beige when Willy was painting?
In which episode does Willy say, "Oh, ALF. I have a package and a lecture for you"?
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