It is America's favorite pastime. Now, how well do you know the basic slang of baseball?
Take this quiz and see how you do!
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What does the term "Hill" describe?

First Base
Home base
Pitcher's mound
What does the term "Bazooka" describe?

Strong throwing arm
When a fielder catches a ball with his glove near belt level
When the crowd boos
What does the term "Lollipop" describe?

A good fastball
A soft pitch or weak throw
A cut fastball
What does the term "Room service" describe?

When a batter hits a single, double, triple and home run in the same game
When a hitter gets a pitch near his hands
A pitch or batted ball that comes right to a defensive player
What does the term "Whitewash" describe?

A very long, high home run
A home run
To shut out a team
What does the term "Worm burner" describe?

Curve ball
Batted ball that moves across the ground hard and fast
An easy pitch to hit, usually right down the middle of the plate
What does the term "Ride the pine" describe?

When older players mock rookies
Sitting on the bench
A player who is scared to swing
What does the term "Southpaw" describe?

Someone from the minors
A player who makes mistakes
Left-handed throwing player
What does the term "Blue" describe?

Team Trainer
Assistant Coach
What does the term " Cup of Coffee" describe?

Short time spent in Major Leagues
When a player has trouble finding the ball
Player who takes forever to do things
What does the term "O’lay" describe?

When a player throws the ball way over the head of another
When the ball goes through a player’s legs
When a fielder doesn’t get in front of the ball
What does the term "Grand Salami" describe?

The Team’s General Manager
Grand Slam
The “biggest” guy on the team
What does the term "Ribbie" describe?

Run batted in
Taking a ground ball to the chest
Another name for “rookie”
What does the term "Rhubarb" describe?

The rubber on the mound
A Glove
Scuffle between teams
What does the term "Bases Juiced" describe?

Other team getting very lucky
Runners on all bases
Bases totally empty
What does the term "Golden Sombrero" describe?

Whoever has most hits in the game metaphorically wears it
Batting helmet
Striking Out 4 times in a game
What does the term "Chin music" describe?

Taking a ground ball in the chin
Getting punched by an opposing player
A pitch thrown near the batter’s head
What does the term " Ol’ Number One" describe?

Change Up
What does the term "Pickle" describe?

Runner caught between two bases
Team stretching
When a team uses a lot of bunting and “hit and runs”
What does the term "Twin Killing" describe?

A double play
A double (hit)
When the catcher guns down a player stealing second base
16 / 20 Some of them were guesses
community hero can of corn is really popular should be a part of the quiz!!!!
community hero it would be nice to add can of corn,that is slang for a pop up!!!as one of the questions.
community hero just a suggestion a can of corn is a pop up,it would be nice if you could make it one of the questions,thank you!!!
Got them all right 15/15