What was the name of the public television station, run by Steve Keaton on the TV show "Family Ties"?
Which actress portrayed Mallory Keaton on the NBC sitcom "Family Ties"?
Justine Bateman
Tina Yothers
Courtney Cox
Which character is Alex Keaton's best friend and neighbor?
Skippy Handleman
Nick Moore
Darren Harley
Actress Courtney Cox played Lauren Miller on the hit show "Family Ties".
The Keatons, the family featured on the show "Family Ties", lived in which city?
Columbus, Ohio
San Francisco
Woodstock, New York
Did actor Tom Hanks appear on the show "Family Ties"?
What is the theme song of "Family Ties", sung by Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams?
What was the name of the biker on the show "Family Ties" who became romantically involved with Mallory?
Snake Rogers
John Flynn
Nick Moore
Which TV show did Alex and his younger brother Andrew watch weekly?
Wall Street Week
Politics in Ohio
While Nick was eating dinner with the Keatons in the episode "Mr. Wrong," he asked them, "do you always eat like this?" What was Alex's clever reply?
In "4 Rms Ocn Vu" Alex converts the Keaton household into a hotel. What team mascot is brought into the house just before Steven Keaton returns home?
A kangaroo
A muskrat
A koala bear
Which actress played the part of Karen Nicholson, the Keatons' inept housekeeper?
Melinda Culea
Daphene Zuinges
Geena Davis
Alex is the valedictorian of his high school class.
Which of the following actresses did not play one of Alex's girlfriends in the series?
Daphne Zuniga
Martha Plimpton
Tracy Pollan
At the end of the series where did Alex go to start his career?
New York City
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