Yes, We Know When You’re Getting 💍 Married Based on Your 🥘 International Food Choices

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22% of players got this result!

Wow, your special day isn't too far away! Better start planning! And before you know it, you'll have two precious children to raise with your lovely spouse!


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There are many types of cuisines in the world. Some of the most popular ones are Chinese, Italian and French cuisines. Other popular cuisines include Mexican, Japanese, and Indian cuisines. But everybody's palate and taste buds are different.

So here's a question for you to ponder: Is there a correlation between the food you like and when you're getting married? We'd like to think so, and we've made a quiz to prove it. So in today's fun quiz, we're embarking on a culinary tour throughout the world, where you'll have your chance to show us what kinds of foods you love. At the end of the quiz, we will give an accurate prediction (okay, make a very wild guess) as to when you're getting married. That is, if you aren't already married.

Whether you're single at the moment or wondering when that special someone might pop the question, complete this quiz to find out what your choices in international food will reveal about your wedding date. But one quick note first: there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz. Just be honest about it.

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