🌈 We’ll Decide If You’re an Introvert or Extrovert Based on Your Colorful Food Choices
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You got: Extrovert!

34% of players got this result!

You’re an extroverted person, as you like to start conversations with people you don’t know, feel comfortable working in groups, and love being the life of the party.


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  1. 🏅 Ranked #133bewitchingomen is ranked 133rd for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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    7 months ago

A well-known adage among chefs is, "You eat with your eyes first." No matter how good a dish tastes, a person would never know that if it isn't presented attractively enough for him to eat it.

The way food looks on a plate is what tempts our eyes and makes us want to taste it. You tend to think that a colorful dish would be equally flavorful. This is why, in recent times, the rise of vividly-colored food has become prominent in cafes and restaurants. One major trend is unicorn food, where dishes are presented with the sparkles and pastel colors associated with the mythical creature. Not only can you dig into unicorn-themed desserts like cupcakes and macarons, the trend has also spread to savory items like burgers, pasta, cheese, and even pizza!

In this quiz, we've lined up a feast for your eyes with a bunch of rainbow food for you to pick from! Your choices will help us determine if you're more introverted or extroverted.

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