Make Yourself Proud 👏🏻 by Passing This 20-Question All-Rounded “True or False” Trivia Test on Your First Try

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  1. 🏅 Ranked #21MARK MORRALL is #21 on the leaderboard for most unique quizzes played
    🏆 27th in TriviaMARK MORRALL is the #27 Top Scorer in the last 30 days
    Mega FanMARK MORRALL is the comment megastar!
    GrandmasterMARK MORRALL has played over 1000 quizzes
    51MARK MORRALL is on a 51-day streak!
    MARK MORRALL's pet
    18 hours ago
  2. F
    FondaLee Savas 20 hours ago
  3. K
    Kira Callaghan 1 day ago
  4. 🏅 Ranked #26Bill is #26 on the leaderboard for most unique quizzes played
    🏆 24th in TriviaBill is the #24 Top Scorer in the last 30 days
    Mega FanBill is the comment megastar!
    GrandmasterBill has played over 1000 quizzes
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    Bill 1 day ago
  5. C
    Cat 5 days ago

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Being able to answer questions quickly and accurately is a valuable skill in any setting, whether it’s in a classroom, at a party, or even at work. Trivia experts are able to impress others with their vast knowledge and quick wit, and they can use their skills to win prizes or simply to make conversation. Some people are just naturally good at trivia and can remember random facts with ease. Others have to study and work hard to remember trivia.

Whichever group you fall under, this "true" or "false" general knowledge quiz can help you brush up on your trivia skills. There are some easy questions and plenty more that are just difficult enough to pose a challenge. If you want to do yourself proud, you can try to achieve a 75 per cent score or higher on your very first attempt. Or, you can try to beat the score of another player. Regardless of how well you do, remember the important thing is that you will get to learn something new in this quiz.

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