The entertainment industry is filled with many attractive people. Many of them are known for their work and talent in acting, music, sports, etc, while a select few are also famous for their good looks. But you know what they say, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. So, what makes someone attractive is subjective and varies from person to person. Some may find a certain look appealing, while others may not. That being said, the common traits that make a person seem attractive are physical appearance, charisma and confidence. The most popular male celebs are often deemed to have a certain magnetism and charm that draw people in. Additionally, having a good sense of humor can also be quite appealing.
In this quiz, you get to decide which of these famous guys are hot and which ones are not. We will then use AI to calculate your current relationship status purely going by your taste in men.
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Get PremiumDecide If Male Celebs Are Hot or Not & I'll Use AI to F… Quiz Questions
Let's get started! Is Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio hot?

What about Marvel actor Tom Hiddleston?

How about the Slumdog Millionaire Dev Patel?

What about Ryan Reynolds?

Do you find the ex-One Direction member Zayn Malik attractive?

Next, the one and only, Paul Rudd!

Next on the list: Liam Hemsworth!

What about Elijah Wood?

Rami Malek?

Next in line is the Batman, Robert Pattinson!

Lionel Messi, hot or not?

John Krasinski?

And Richard Madden?

And of course we have Gerard Butler!

Andrew Garfield?

Is Trevor Donovan hot or not?

James McAvoy?

And Channing Tatum?

Ian Somerhalder?

What about the Mandalorian himself, Pedro Pascal?

Kit Harington?

How about Canadian pop star, Justin Bieber?

What about Mark Ruffalo?

Jason Statham?

Jeffrey Dean Morgan?

And finally, how about Tom Holland?

I got: In a Relationship!
There is love in the air! You’re loving having someone there to love and share your thoughts and feelings with. I believe you’re going to tie the knot soon! So…did we guess correctly?
close, I’m engaged lol.
It gave me the answer I wish was true
I got it’s complicated and I’m quite surprised of what the answer was, it was oddly correct, spot on. Although it’s shocking, it’s pretty cool quizly was able to figure out my relationship status.
i need dating advice
there is a guy who I really like and I think he likes me but IDK what to do!
PLS help asap!
You got: It’s Complicated…!
You’re not quite single, but you’re not quite in a relationship either. To be honest, you don’t know what to call your current situation, but whatever it is, you know it’s a little bit complicated! We nailed it… right?
Wrong. I’m single and I always have been
it’s complicated.
this defiantly true. me and this guy are not together but we have dated multiple times and even when we break up, we cannot stay away from each other. like recently he was in a relationship, and we could not leave each other alone but they broke up bc he wanted to be with me. kinda feel like a home wreaker lmao but he told me not to worry abt it.
can someone please give me advice pls so there’s this boy at my school I’ve liked since the beginning of the school year but he has a girlfriend and he keeps looking at me thought and i have a boyfriend but i still like him and i don’t know if this means something i really need advice so if you have any pls replay
Hi I would really like to help you the same thing happened to me so I would like to give u advice if you don’t mind
hey its olivia my acc got deleted i had to make a new one i hop ur doing ok
hey girl
I meant how r u
Hey r u
We haven’t talked in awhile lol
he knows i like him
he likes me back!!!
I’ll talk to u later
Omg that’s amazing and ok
Omg how did u find out, did he tell u
listin i might lose my acc so ill talk to u when i make a new one
he said lets talk before dating and yeah he told me
Omg how did he find out
i am so happy!
well im just gonna leave it go oh well he knows i cant do anything about that
Ok that’s sounds good.
Like if he wants to be with u he has to do something about it. I really hope it turns out well.
my best friend showed him the text saying i liked him
so i told my best friend that i liked him and i guess he heard it and jason was like i know you like me
Omg what r u going to do
from my ex
What no way
What happened
can i ask u something
so theres this boy in my one class and we argue everyday about the same thing and he smiles everytime does it mean he likes me?
And that’s so cute if he’s smiling it probably means that he enjoys talking to you(arguing with you)
ok have fun im at school rn ugh!
Lol have a good day
tysm and i hope we stay friends and tell him i said ty and im surprised u answer this early
Oh I had to wake up for my run and workout but it’s like only 8:30 right now but also my bf is with me right now he says no prob and ofc were going to stay friends lol
ty youve been alot of help and ill let u know if we start dating
Ok thnks also because I’ve hadnt had a girl friend for soooooo long lol. It’s been nice also bf wishes u good luck. He says boys can rude and annoying but a little more pg-13 than that lol
well about each other being ugly
him the dude who loves arguing with me
What do u guys ague about?lol
im in love
Omg who????
u should
maybe I don’t know
ya but i do really like advice ur really good at giving it
Thank I want to be a pilot but all my friends say I should be life coach or something lol
were in the same class and hes friends with jayden my ex crush so ya
Oof idk what do now lol
I try to act like a professional but I only know so much
Soo…. Lol
really but like idk cuz like how do i know
Well idk but I know if he’s smiling while talking/arguing it obviously means he enjoys it. Maybe it doesn’t mean he likes you but he does like like talking to you so maybe try to hang out with him more
how was your Christmas?
It was really nice i got a new phone for Christmas
How about you how was yours
did u read my one comment the one that says what does itr mean
Yeah what does it mean
Does it mean after the second week he’s done with u and than the first week he is because if so that’s ssoooooo rude he does not deserve u gurl nobody ur to nicceee for them
Ya but ill take your advice thankyou
Yeah no prob
tysm but the thing with me is i always want a boy in my life if im not dating someone im talking to someone and its hard to not to want that because i think love is such a great thing yeah sure ive been in alot of toxic relationships and my friends warn me about that but its hard to focus when ive always atleast talked to someone
I totally agree with you I did that same thing. You can totally do that. It’s fine, I’ll tell you I always been in a relationship and it’s different for everyone. Just sometimes you shouldn’t think the guys going to be the one because if he’s not and breaks ur heart than you’re going to be devastated. But I think it’s fine with someone as long as he’s into the relationship too. But go ahead girl, date who ever you want
when do uk there the right one
Well when u feel ur self and is really confident around him and not horrible and insecure about yourself well I think u found him and we all just need patience for that.
And look maybe u just need a break from boys focus more on ur friends and enjoy ur life because look guys leave but ur best friends always will be there for u ,well some lol ,if you need anymore help with well I’m always here btw lol
ya but i havnt found that person
it sucks ill never find the right one….
Ok no don’t think like that
There will always be someone out there for u
My sister just got out of her 3rd toxic relationship last year and she just got got a new bf and he’s so nice to she’s 20 so she can do whatever she wants but she finally made the decision to take things slow so maybe u just need to become friends with someone and take it slow if u don’t want to it’s fine just a suggestion hope u have a good day
but bestie he so sweet he got me a bunch of stuff for Christmas
Ah that’s so sweet but money can’t buy love ok remember that. If he really loves u he will show u but if he doesn’t well….. but hey maybe he’s going through something or something
thats so cool mines was so good i got a melanie martinez hoodie shes my favorite singer
That’s amazing I’m glad u had a good summer
nah the boy problem is with my but the other one did go away and im good hru
I’m good
I’m glad they went away for u
what situation?
The boy problems u had
Did they go away. but how r u.
what does it mean if you havnt seen ur bf in like 2 weeks and when u do u go to see him he doesnt care ur there like he just sits there on his game the whole time he doesnt even come to say hi to you but the 1st week u start dating his all over you
oh ty ur name is really pretty mines is olivia
Hey I’m in Japan so sorry I haven’t talked for awhile
But how r u
I’m good but tired from shopping all day
And how’s your situation
hi hi kaley
Thanks I just thought since we have been talking awhile I thought u should know but hi olivia
is he going with u?
Oh btw my name is Kaley just thought you should know
idk what me and my bf are rn it sucks rn cuz i really need someone like that
Yeah are parents are really good friends well be there for 3 weeks and missing school for 2 weeks. Yaaay
i meant by are u guys still together and ive always wanted to go to paris
Oh yeah we’re still together I was suppose to go with him but I decided to stay home with my family we’re going to Japan next week
im gald you had a great Christmas to how ur bf?
Omg I just saw that I said summer I meant Christmas sorry
Wait do u mean how he is
Well he’s good he’s on vacation in paris
What do u mean ?
hey tysm for trying to help me and i would like to know abt ur thing that u said was like mine if you dont mind
Oh ok well I was in a relationship just like and the other guy really like me but we were both in a separate relationship. But the bad thing was it was my best friend he was dating so I never went for it but than 1 more year later my bf cheated on me with my now ex best friend and so the guy that liked me also got cheated on so we became close from it and now we are 2 years and still happily in a relationship but we’re one year from almost graduation so we will never have to see our exs again. But so you know I’ve hadn’t had any other close friends again except my bf now but that’s fine and I think the only down, is ending up having serious trust issues. But I really hope everything turns out well for you
i just want to say merry Christmas and if u dont celebrate then happy hoildays
tysm for sharing that with me wait so ur still in a dating him
Yes and he already said we are getting married lol
I thought it was the girl who said that
ya i just hope i find him soon well i ttyl im going shoping
thats so sweet i wish i had love like that
I really hope it turns out tho
You know there is always someone out there even if you don’t know
no i dont mind
sorry it wouldn’t let me reply to you again, but I would say just start it off by saying hi, Ask how he’s feeling, how’s his day going. just talk about basic things yk? then after a bit, Be straight up and ask if you can talk about something important, if he says yes, ask him if what his friends are saying is true and ask him how he feels about you. But ofcc make sure him and his gf aren’t together before trying anything lol <3 (feel like I should know more considering I have a fiance with the same guy for the last 6 years XD)
hey im just wondering if everything is ok with u?
You asking her or me? Hopefully not me lol…
wanna talk abt it?
ya u
oh ok… but umm ig I’m ok lol…uh yea
i just wanted to say merry Christmas and if you dont celebrate then happy hoildays
U too I I hope u have an amazing new year too
u too and tell ur man hes a very lucky boy to have someone as sweet as u
Aah think you
Hope you have a good new year
omg really and ur advice means everything to me and im really scared to talk to him
Do you got a close friend who knows you like him? If so ask them if they can stay by your side for comfort and support. If not you can just reply on here or sum And i’ll answer pookie <3 I'll try my best to help you with anything <33
the rumor is abt me stalking him and wanting to uk what to him
HEY GIRLY so um jayden is now spreding rumors abt (that the boy i like)
oh…Sorry I tried my hardest to help <3 I really wish it could've ended better…What were the rumors about if you don't mind me asking??
if you dont mind me asking how old are u
I don’t really like sharing my age online lol <3 But I can say I'm in high school and 13-18 <3
ok tysm will u be on at like 11:41 cuz i have lunch rn and im gonna be talking to my bf (btw im at school)
Maybe not as I have lunch at 1 and i’ll be in math class taking a test sadly <3 but i'll be on before that anytime of the say and I'll be on after school at 4. Actually what time is it for you? We could be in different type zones bc it's way to early to be at lunch…school started an hour and a half ago.
it wasnt letting me replay to ur one comment tysm ur so sweet but like ive tried everything to get over him and nothings working do u know anything for getting over a boy that i havent tried
Maybe just accept that, yea you like them, but you don’t like them that much your gonna ruin yourself to find out if they like you back hun, you can journal about it in a notebook or talk to someone about those feelings. It can help you very much. Ik that as I’ve always been honest when I got those small lil crushes while dating. Or going to therapy, it really does help.
ya i have a bff but like the thing is im a really shy person and i thought abt writing him a note but then he will show all his friends and they will make fun of me so ya
The same thing happened before I met my man, It’s really scary…But they showed it to all the popular bully girls who hated the hell out of me. But honestly, I would say just…tell yourself that if he don’t want you, it’s his lost, not yours. Confidence is KEYY for us all pookie, Be confident abt it girlyy. The worst he can say is no, and honestly, just remember it’s his own loss for losing someone so perfect like you <3
I not married!
Actually right for the first time=Single✅
Got “In a relationship”. True I am indeed in a very successful and happy relationship. Been together for 6 years. <3
i got it complicated yeah i know we break up like every week and get back together
i am totally not married!!!
You got: It’s complicated
Wrong. I’m single
Actually correct! And staying that way.
You are totally married! You’re happy that you’re spending forever with the love of your life. Your love will last forever!
umm I am single
I couldn’t be more single🤣🤣🤣
You are totally married! You’re happy that you’re spending forever with the love of your life. Your love will last forever! So…we know we guessed it correctly… right?
Umm no I’ve been single forever 😐
fr i got in relashionship. nah just got out of a cheating one but no
In a Relationship! yep and i literaly clicked nope 4 all of the except tom haland he got an IDK
wrong i’m not in a relationship lol
U were right! I love my bf