Choose Between These Marvel Characters and We’ll Reveal Your Introvert/Extrovert Percentage
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You got: 45% Introvert and 55% Extrovert!

36% of players got this result!

You're a little more extroverted than you are introverted. Although you enjoy hanging out with friends or meeting new people, you need to recharge by yourself for a while before or after doing social activities.


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  1. 🏅 Ranked #66Maebelle is ranked 66th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  3. 🏅 Ranked #141bewitchingomen is ranked 141st for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  4. 🏅 Ranked #154Damian is ranked 154th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  5. MasterWakeboardLina has played over 200 quizzes
    WakeboardLina 9 months ago

With the release of Avengers: Infinity War, the cast and crew behind the Marvel mega blockbuster have been actively promoting the movie, without spoiling anything, of course! The cast even played Family Feud, in which the questions were based on Marvel characters and the survey respondents were the fans.

If you had to choose, which character would put on the best concert? Answers like Thor, Iron Man, and even Groot were up there. But according to the results, most fans thought Star-Lord would be a superstar performer. Understandably so, since Star-Lord is in tune with his music choices. Another question was about which character would most fans want to take to prom. Characters like Shuri and Spider-Man were at the top, but most chose Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier as their date! Who would you choose?

In this quiz, you get to decide who wins in a series of Marvel character face-offs. Your choices will help us determine how introverted and extroverted you actually are.

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