Whenever you're in search of a delicious meal that gives you a feeling of comfort, a hearty meal from McDonald's always hits the spot. The fast-food giant has earned its reputation for being a trusted provider of affordable, tasty food. Whatever your favorite item is from the menu, it can say a lot about who you are as a person.
If you like a Big Mac, you are a person who sticks to the norm and you don't tend to stray from convention. A fan of the Quarter Pounder with cheese is someone who prefers taking mindful risks. People who usually order a McChicken are not known to be risk takers, so much so that they stick to what they know and aren't adventurous whatsoever.
In this quiz, it is up to you to order whatever you want from McDonald's. Since you're having everything virtually, you can enjoy your visual feast without packing on the calories. Your choices will help to determine your personality type!