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  • Australia

You belong in the Simpsons family. That can be considered a good thing or a bad thing.omg no way i would die for that and its my fav show

lol i got that aswell and i totally agree with u lol

Green Eyes woow 4 oce its actually right

You're not a tall girl, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're short! You have a strong personality, which may be described as feisty. You can pull off heels of any height because you can never seem too tall!yeah i guess so

You're definitely a lazy girl! You don't like getting out of bed, as you'd rather spend as much time as possible in the comfort of your room. You think of creative ways to get around doing anything.for onxe one of the quizzes are finaly right

You're Easygoing... aaah yea no im the total popsite

You're a crazy cat person.. i feeel like it only gave me this scorecuase i selected on the last question "i dont have a cat idk y im playing this quiz" and for the record i used 2 have a cat

98% Romantic id like 2 belive so but i find it hard to belive VERY hard

Somewhere in the middle.. um yeea ok i agree with that but if there were more answers it woul definatly be low

ohhhhh im so stupid ik who that is now

Lorelai Gilmore um she looks pretty but idk who that is ima go n research it

same idk who that is tho


Black Hair and Hazel Eyes... aaah so close i have brown hair and green eyes

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