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  • Maryam1

You got: Food Scientist!As a food scientist, you'll be responsible for researching and developing new food products and improving existing ones. If you're curious, analytical, and have a background in science, this may be the perfect career for you. You enjoy solving complex problems and working with a team...

I played this quiz again two months later and I got anger which is way more accurate than sadness

You got: 5 Feet 5 Inches! No I’m 5 foot

You got: Balancing Act!You're doing pretty well at squeezing in "me time," but sometimes life gets a bit hectic. You manage to find moments here and there for yourself, but it's often a juggling act between your busy schedule and personal downtime. It's great that you recognize the importance...

You got: All Seasons! But my favourite is spring

You got: Garnet (January)! No I’m peridot for august

You're the Well-Rested Wonder!You're the rare unicorn who actually gets enough sleep! Somehow, you've managed to balance school, work, social life, and still hit the hay at a reasonable hour. Your energy levels are consistent, your mood is stable, and people might even be asking what your secret is....

You got: Penne!You're straight to the point, with a hollow center that's perfect for soaking up life's experiences. Your practical nature makes you a go-to friend for advice, but you're not afraid to get saucy when the occasion calls for it. Keep being tube-tastic!

You got: Verbier!Head to the beautiful Swiss Alps for a winter vacation like no other. Ski, snowboard, skate, or simply curl up by the fire with hot chocolate and fondue.

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