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I thought this was what generation u SHOULD LIVE IN NOT WHAT U ACTUALLY WAS BORN. but whatever. I got great generation

80's baby I thought I would get renaissance but this is perfect

buddy this quiz better be right bc it says 85. I pray to god this is true

I was hoping for love not a new pet but oh well better than nothin'

hey rose I know this might be strange but can I give u my email so we can maybe get to know each other. and yeah I know its comments. its just I saw ur profile pic and I will be honest not a huge fan of anime but...

if u got dalmatian. does it technically count at a black cat bc it has black spots. and NO I AM NOT OFFENDING THE CATS OR MAKING FUN OF THEM!!!!!! I just was curious

lmao. I love how u respond immediately. I just started this and almost all these quizes were done like 3 months ago. so I am kinda behind.

same here. I just wish these were veeerrry accurate. and I am a libra and he's a Libra how we gonna be crushing it?

ohhhh wow nice wish I got that instead of io.

frrrrr ik right these things u can't tell if their true or false.

dany y'all got 100% I only got 74% yikes!!!

it says I like American men but I literally simp for Australian men????!!! like what?

well I landed my crush but how do I know this is tur not a lie bc he has a girl on his lock screen? I hope I get him soon.

well got my zodiac sign right just not generation. I am Libra but I am gen z not baby boomer

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