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15/15!I don't know many songs from The Eagles, but I know a lot from this particular classic.

"The verdict is still out."Santa can't decide whether I'm naughty or nice. I definitely have a naughty side, but I'd like to think I'm a bit more nice than naughty.

8/17C-3PO did NOT have a silver leg! That one was wrong. It should have been 9/17.

I got 57 years old and 6 feet, 2.I'm not quite THAT old (and I wonder if I will reach that age...long story). I'd like to be 6'2", but I'm just a short 5'10" in height. 😢

I like cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, and cream cheese on bread or bagels. Besides, if I eat too much cheese, my body will flare up with bad congestion. I've had that experience many times before.

24 years and FEMALE?!Disregarding my actual age of 45, I assure you that I'm a man. I can't help what kind of mac and cheese I like.

I got young adult.Not even CLOSE! I'm 45 years old.

I got Generation X (1965-1980).Just barely. I was born in 1979, but it still counts as Gen X, doesn't it?

I got the 1970s.Although I was born in 1979, I'm a 1980s kid. And, I really wish I could go back to the 1980s and be a kid again.

According to this quiz, I got either January 14th, May 23rd, or September 19th. My actual birthday is March 3rd.

I'm "Dino Dinner", although I can't quite see how.For many of the questions, I chose the best possible option. My biggest threat would be the volcano erupting and getting killed in either the lava flow or the pyro. I would try to make some dinosaur...

12/15In one question regarding approximately when dinosaurs became extinct, NONE of the choices are correct. I only voted for 65 million years ago because it was the closest to the actual correct answer of 66 million years ago.

10/15I'm actually surprised that I got that many correct. I wasn't too sure how many I would get right.

26/30That last one, especially, tricked me because there were TWO Spiderman options to choose from. I, of course, chose the wrong one (Spiderman: The Animated Series).

I got 16/20 right because a few titles tricked me. One example is "The Incredible ______ Man", and I thought it was "The Incredible Shrinking Man". I was wrong.

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