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I got Australia, would like to visit there but would not like the very long flight and bit old now not as mobile with the arthritis, can make do with seeing it on TV.

9/20 know nothing about cat breeds obviously.

13/15 1st time 15/15 2nd go had a 2nd go cos couldn't remember which 2 got wrong knew them not thinking straight, silly me.

17/22 77% not too bad could have done better tho. It says I really know stuff and its impressive also I must have had training or somat, don't think so just know things cos I'm old got the t-shirt, Lol.

33 and 5ft 3" ha ha don't think so, very wrong almost 72 wouldn't mind the young agebut not the height I am 5ft 8" always the tallest girl in class in all school pics, long time ago,Lol.2

Aphrodite, ha ha, yep that's me goddess of love and beauty

18/20 missed 2 should have used my brain and thought carefully, always rushing

I'm normal apparently ha ha, but lots of foods here I would never eat even tho I were starving and no option to ignore them, oysters, lobster, sushi and some others as well.

20/21 Can't remember which one I missed very annoying.

19/20 went a bit too quick again and for some strange reason my laptop screen is jumping up and down again hard to stop it where I want it . Not heard of some of them must be American but easy to guess been around a bit long in...

Millennial 1981-96, don't think so was born 1953 don't know what that's called all a bit young for me with the exception of George Clooney. Both my 2 sons are older than most of these, not my cup of tea, nice looking young men not a cradle snatcher Lol.

16/20 not bad for a none dog owner some were bit odd never heard of them

18/18 easy this one

13/15 not too bad, never owned a dog like most breeds prefer them to cats. says how many dogs do I own sorry none, too old now wouldn't be able to walk one anymore not fair to doggie but these puppies are really cute!!

7/20 I guessed most of them, heard of some of the makes but no idea which one was correct. Don't understand the scoring sometimes on here it says I really know alot about cars congrats and would be a good person to bring along to a car show,...

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