Only a Person Older Than 55 Can Name 14/18 of These TV Shows

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Great work! You named a whole lot of these shows. You must love your classic TV series!


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It doesn't seem that long ago when people didn't have the deluxe package of premium channels and Netflix and on-demand streaming -- you had three channels and programming happened on a schedule. And even so, TV was amazing.

Television shows in the '60s and '70s set a high bar for the entertainment in the decades that followed since. Sitcoms like "Gilligan's Island," "The Brady Bunch," and "Bewitched" were huge hits due to their entertainment factor. Action series made their mark with shows like "Charlie's Angels," "Wonder Woman," and "The Six Million Dollar Man". Shows like "All in the Family," "The Jeffersons," and "Happy Days" were remembered for decades to come. There's a reason so many of these shows continued as re-runs even to this day. This was sharply-written, well conceived programming.

Here's a look back at some of the best viewing from those years. How many of these shows do you know? If you had lived during those times, they should look very familiar to you.

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