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Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Your Personality Is

Get ready to make some tough decisions.

Whether you are about to become a parent, are new to parenting, or have been a parent for a while, there may be times when you ponder about your parenting skills. For example you may wonder if you are doing the best you can for your child, or whether you are providing enough of what your child requires other than the basic needs.

If you have a parenting style that is based on helping your child develop and grow into a happy and healthy person, there is a good chance that you have a very nice personality. On the other hand, you may have an idea for how you want your child to be, regardless of what they want for themselves. In that case it's possible that there are times when you are not very nice to your child.

A toxic personality is someone whose ideas and actions make life harder for those around them. If you take this quiz and find out that you have a toxic personality, you might want to consider making some changes in your life. On the other hand, if you find out you have a really nice personality, then you should take some time to feel good about yourself.

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Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Questions

At what age do you feel it is appropriate for your kids to be on social media?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Friends Looking At Phone
  • Never!

  • When they prove to me they are ready.

  • Starting at 11

  • Starting at 12

  • Starting at 13

  • Starting at 10

At what age do you begin allowing your child to stay home alone?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz dancing home alone
  • 16

  • Whenever I can't find a babysitter

  • 14

  • 12

At what age would you allow your child to date?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Teen Dating_900
  • Once they move out

  • It depends on how mature they act and if I feel they are ready for it

  • When they are interested in it

  • Beginning in high school

Would you allow your child to play video games before doing their homework?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz PC Video gaming
  • Yes

  • Homework time is scheduled for a certain time every day

  • No

  • If they are doing well in school then they can be trusted to schedule their own homework time

When your child has friends over, do you require them to leave their bedroom door open?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Teens hanging out at home
  • They are not allowed to have either friends or closed doors

  • No

  • Yes

  • If they've proven they can be trusted

Until what age do you put parental locks on your streaming services or television?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Parents and their two children watching TV together at home
  • 10

  • 12

  • 14

  • I never do this

How do you respond if your child gets a low grade in school?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz f paper bigger
  • Speak with them about why they got a low grade and then determine a strategy to do better

  • Start doing their homework for them

  • Yell at them

  • Ground them

You enrolled your child in sports, but they later express wanting to take part in a school play instead. How do you respond?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Back to School Coaching Your Kid
  • Support my child as they pursue their interests

  • See if there is a way that they can do both

  • Insist that they continue with doing sports

  • Encourage them to play sports but let them do the play if they wish

Your child dyes their hair a wild color and starts dressing in bizarre fashion. How do you respond?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Mohawk
  • Support my child if that is how they choose to express themselves

  • Get rid of their weird clothing

  • Show my disapproval

  • Dye my own hair a weird color to show I'm cool too

You just caught your child smoking, vaping, drinking underage, or something similar. How do you respond?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Teenagers Smoking Marijuana
  • Ground them and/or take their phone away

  • Stop my child from seeing the kids they've been hanging out with

  • Yell at them

  • Use it as a "teachable moment" and calmly explain why these things are bad for them

Do you monitor your child's social media, phone, text messages etc.?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Surprised girl using smart phone
  • Sometimes

  • Yes, this is for their own good

  • Only if I suspect them of something

  • No

Do you prevent your child from listening to music that may have explicit lyrics?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Young Woman Listening To Music
  • I talk to my child about what the lyrics mean

  • No

  • Only if the lyrics are really bad

  • Yes

Would you ever put a tracking device on your child or track their phone?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz 1.parents Dont Approve Of Who Im Dating
  • Yes, until they move out

  • No

  • No, but I'd put one on my spouse

  • Yes, until they are of a certain age

Would you let your child see an R-rated movie before they turn 17?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz Woman Watching Movie In Cinema Theater
  • Yes, but I would talk with them about it after

  • Sure!

  • I would watch it with them

  • No

Would you allow your child to hang out with another child if you haven't met that child's parents?

Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Yourโ€ฆ Quiz o TWO TEENS TALKING facebook 1
  • Yes

  • Unsure

  • No

  • If the child seems responsible

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