🌚 Plan a Midnight Feast and We’ll Guess Your Biggest Fear

You got: Enclosed Spaces!

18% of players got this result!

You can't handle staying in an enclosed space, even if it's for a couple of minutes. You start thinking that the walls are actually closing on you and trapping you with no way out. You even struggle on flights, having to stay in one area for a long period.


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  1. IntermediatePotato has played over 50 quizzes
    Potato 3 months ago
  2. Elite PlayerMaryam472 has played over 500 quizzes
    Maryam472 8 months ago
    • MasterMarie has played over 200 quizzes
      Marie's pet
      3 months ago
  3. Elite PlayerShaun Williams has played over 500 quizzes
    Shaun Williams 8 months ago

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Most of us try to stick to eating three meals a day, stopping after dinner. But every once in a while (or in some cases every day), we feel the urge to snack on something even late at night. There's nothing to feel guilty about because it's very common. But have you ever wondered why we get the midnight munchies?

Obviously, some people just feel so hungry that they can't wait for breakfast. You could've skipped a meal or had less to eat during the day. It may also mean tiredness. When you feel sleepy, your body releases hormones that make you feel hungry and it stops releasing hormones that help you feel satisfied. It probably has been a long, hard day and eating some junk food may serve as your reward. Just try not to overeat!

In this quiz, you get to plan a whole feast for your late-night snacking session. Your food picks will help us guess what you're most afraid of!

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