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Put Together a Pop Playlist and We’ll Guess Your Age and Gender

โ™ซ Oops!...I did it again โ™ซ

As much as we may hate to admit it, we've all been addicted to a pop song or two at some point in our lives. These guilty pleasure tracks have catchy lyrics and tunes that make you can't help but want to sing along all day. Many songs have come and gone, but some good ones have stood the test of time.

Beyoncรฉ may not be synonymous with pop songs, but when "Single Ladies" came out, who didn't dance along to it? The anthem for women had us following the unforgettable moves by Queen B! But, our favorite pop song of all time has to be "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. This hit by the King of Pop is so iconic that we can recognize it just from the intro note. The accompanying horror-themed music video still remains one of the greatest of all time.

In this quiz, pick out your favorite pop hits from different artists over the generations to put on your personal playlist. The songs you pick stay between us, so don't worry ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your personalized pop playlist will help us guess your age and gender accurately!


โš ๏ธ May contain spoilers

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Put Together Pop Playlist & I'll Guess Your Age & Gender Quiz Questions

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