🐶 Choose Between Puppies and Pizza and We’ll Reveal Your Introvert/Extrovert Percentage 🍕

You got: 72% Introvert and 28% Extrovert!

34% of players got this result!

You have 72% of introverted tendencies and 28% of extroverted tendencies.


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  1. 🏅 Ranked #19Nazareth is ranked 19th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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    • 🏅 Ranked #34Queen A is ranked 34th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  3. Elite PlayerMaryam472 has played over 500 quizzes
    Maryam472 8 months ago

While having a meal to yourself, you may be tempted to feed your pet puppy who is hovering right beside you. How can you say no to the adorable whimpering and literal puppy eyes? But there are some food you should never give to a dog, even if you think it's a harmless amount.

The most commonly known food that may be harmful to our doggos is chocolate. Remember, the darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is for the pup, due to some nasty methylxanthines. Surprisingly, you're not supposed to give them milk either! It may not be immediately dangerous but can eventually lead to disease. Puppers don't have the enzymes to break down the milk sugar. They also can't break down cheese, so pizza is a no-no!

In this quiz, you get to pick between two of the most wanted things on the planet, puppies and pizza! It may be difficult, but choosing one or the other will determine how introverted and extroverted you are.

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