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🍟 Rate These French Fries on a Scale of 1 to 5 and We’ll Know Exactly How Old You Are

It's a battle royale between spuds.

Everyone knows that French fries are the best part of going out for a meal at your favorite fast food restaurant. "Would you like fries with that?" is a question that should always be answered with an enthusiastic "yes". Because fries are, well, amazing. While they're perceived as a burger sidekick, they're often the guilty pleasure food a lonely soul idling through a fast food drive-thru is truly craving.

These golden strips of deliciousness might possibly be the best snack food or crispy companion to any entrée, which is why it's time to give our little fried friends the attention they deserve. And while the fight for which chain sells the best fries will rage on forever, here's a quiz where you get to rate the spuds from various fast food restaurants. What are your thoughts on the McDonald's World Famous Fries? Are you a big fan of the curly fries at Arby's? Feel free to give each one a rating, and based on your fry opinions, we will accurately determine your age.

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Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Questions

How would you rate the McDonald's World Famous Fries on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Ketchup on the side of McDonald's French Fries

How would you rate the Jack In The Box curly fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Jack in the Box Seasoned Curly Fries

Now rate the French fries at Five Guys.

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Five Guys French Fries

What are your thoughts on the fries at White Castle?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz White Castle French Fries

What about In-N-Out's fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz In N Out French Fries

How would you rate the Carl's Jr. CrissCut fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Carl's Jr. CrissCut Fries

How many stars should Wendy's fries get?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Wendy's French Fries

What are your thoughts on Taco Bell's Nacho fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Taco Bell Nacho Fries

How do you feel about the Chick-fil-A waffle fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Chick fil A Waffle Fries

Rate Sonic's fries between 1 to 5, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best.

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Sonic French Fries

How would you rate Shake Shack's French fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Shake Shack French Fries

Give Popeyes's Cajun fries a rating too.

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Popeyes Cajun Fries

How do you feel about KFC's seasoned potato wedges?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz KFC Seasoned Potato Wedges

What are your feelings towards Zaxby's fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Zaxby's French Fries

How do you find Arby's curly fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Arby's Curly Fries

How many stars do Dairy Queen's French fries deserve?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Dairy Queen French Fries

What about Culver's?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Culver's French Fries

How do you feel about the fries at Steak 'n Shake?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Steak N Shake French Fries

Should Checkers and Rally's get five stars for their fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Checkers and Rally's French Fries

How do you feel about Whataburger's fries?

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Whataburger French Fries

Finally, give the Burger King fries a rating from 1 to 5, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best.

Rate French Fries on Scale of 1 to 5 & I'll Know Your A… Quiz Burger King French Fries
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