Rate These Iconic Movies from 1 to 5 and We’ll Guess Your Generation
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You got: Generation X!

49% of players got this result!

You were born between 1965 and 1980! You tried to make a change in your environment, but you're too much of a cynic to make it happen. You're independent and always try to better yourself, with self-help books being essential.


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  1. Rising FanRose.'s comments are on the rise!
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  5. Novicenjt4124 has played over 20 quizzes
    njt4124 10 months ago

Films have the ability to define various generations; they are very relatable and loved especially by the people of that era. Take The Wizard of Oz for example. For people from the silent era, they appreciate hard work and the resulting successful life as shown in the film. Baby boomers relate a lot to The Graduate, as children and parents search for the missing piece in the puzzle.

The attitude of Generation X was captured in the film, Risky Business. Many of these independent people related to the lack of parental guidance and the coming-of-age story. The millennials have varying experiences, but an essential film that represents the early ages is The Breakfast Club. It is the quintessential way to describe a high school experience.

Rate the following films based on how much you like them, and we will be able to guess accurately which generation you are from!

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