There are some foods that we would not go near unless they are drenched in our favorite sauce. Can you imagine having a Subway sandwich without any of the signature sauces? It's incredible how much sauces add to otherwise mundane and boring dishes. Do you ever eat french fries just as they are or would you prefer to dip them in some ketchup? How about poached eggs – do you eat them on their own or top them off with hollandaise sauce?
Just because you love a certain sauce doesn't mean it's a universal favorite. One condiment that has divided people is mayonnaise. Some feel it adds so much flavor to whatever food you have it with, while others think its overpowering taste drowns out the flavors of the other ingredients.
This is the time to show your love or hatred for some popular sauces. Based on how you rate them, we can accurately point out a dominant characteristic you possess! Ready to find out what that is?
You got: Compassion!
You have a soft spot for a lot of things that tug at your heartstrings. It could be a family member, an animal or an organization that is in need. Many people would think that you do too much for others, but you always feel like you could do more to help people and things around you.
I also root for the underdog, every time!
You got: Emotional Stability!
You understand your emotions and the reason you feel each of them. You’re tough enough to address it and keep yourself from releasing them at inappropriate times. You keep them in check so that you don’t feel uncomfortable in situations that could make others uneasy.