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Spend a Day as ๐ŸŽธ a Rock Star to Determine If Youโ€™d Shine Bright or Burn Out

Would you survive the rockstar lifestyle?

Have you ever dreamed of being a rock star? With all the fame, fortune, and adoring fans? We will ask you to spend a day as a rock star and the choices you make will determine your fate. Rock stars have a tendency to lead short lives. This can be from too much partying or just being a fairly reckless human being. There are some rock stars who seem to live forever though. Just look at Keith Richards and Mick Jagger, for example. Despite their age, they still rock hard today.

In this quiz, you'll get to experience a day in the life of a rock star. As you progress through the quiz, you'll encounter various challenges and obstacles that a real rock star might face. Can you handle the pressure of interviews, paparazzi, and groupies? Will you make the right decisions when faced with difficult choices? Or will you flame out under the pressure of the spotlight?

So, if you're ready to rock and roll, grab your guitar and let's get started!

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Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Questions

Pick a music festival to play at.

Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Music Festival Concert
  • Coachella

  • None of these

  • Fyre Festival

  • Glastonbury

  • Lollapalooza

  • Rock Fest

Pick someone to open for you on tour.

Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Rock music concert
  • None of these

  • Nickelback

  • Taylor Swift

  • Guns N' Roses

  • Michael Buble

  • Ozzy Osbourne

Which group of people looks the most like your fans?

Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Papa Roach And Alien Ant Farm In Concert

    Would you ever allow your music to appear in corporate advertising?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Kiss commercia
    • It depends on how much money it would pay

    • No

    • Yes

    • It depends on the product

    Your bandmates want to do some heavy drinking before a show. How do you handle the situation?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Women Drinking Toast
    • Choose not to participate

    • Have just one drink

    • Go along with them

    • Lecture them on professionalism

    What are you having for dinner before a show?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Dinner Party Outdoor
    • Pasta

    • Fast food

    • A healthy vegan meal

    • Pizza

    One of your bandmates was arrested for public intoxication and will not be able to make it to that night's show. How do you handle the situation?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz prison
    • Cancel the show and instead speak with fans about the dangers of alcohol

    • Kick the person out of the band

    • Cancel the show and party instead

    • Have a roadie fill in as a replacement

    You wake up after a long night of partying with your band. What is the first thing you do?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz The drunk
    • Go to the hotel gym and get a workout in

    • Wave to fans from the balcony while trying to look as cool as possible

    • Tidy up the hotel room and wait for the others to wake up

    • Have breakfast

    What condition do you tend to leave hotel rooms in after you check out?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Hotel room
    • The hotel rooms are trashed beyond repair

    • The hotels are left as I found them

    • The hotel rooms are left spotless and I'm sure to give the business a five-star review

    • The hotel rooms are left in a messy state

    Finish this sentence: "You've got to fight for your right to _____"

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Strong confident woman
    • Live in an equal and just society

    • Party!

    • Do what you want, whenever you want to

    • Own property and make a good living for yourself

    Your manager asks you to add an extra show to your already packed tour schedule. What do you do?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Tired Man
    • Negotiate for better compensation before agreeing to do it

    • Say no, explaining that I need some rest time

    • Agree to do it, but only if the schedule can be rearranged to give me more downtime later

    • Agree to do it, even though I'm already exhausted

    One of your bandmates says something along the lines of, "It used to be about the music! Now, all you want to do is party." How do you respond to them?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Bart Simpson
    • Kick them out of the band

    • Agree with them and go to rehab if necessary

    • Tell them to "slag off"

    • Listen attentively to their concerns and try to better myself

    You're doing an interview with a journalist who keeps asking you personal questions about your relationships and lifestyle. What do you do?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz journalist
    • Politely decline to answer those questions, explaining that I prefer to keep my private life private

    • Make up outrageous answers to the questions just to mess with the journalist

    • Get angry and storm out of the interview

    • Answer the questions honestly, because that's part of being a rock star

    Your band is awarded a Grammy and you are invited on stage to accept. How do you respond to the honor?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Grammy Awards
    • Slap Chris Rock, just to see what would happen next

    • Interrupt the acceptance speech of another artist instead

    • No-show the awards ceremony

    • Accept it with grace and thank the fans

    You've been kicked out of your band and have lost everything. How do you handle the situation?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz Alone introvert
    • Leave the music industry altogether

    • Start a new band

    • Party to forget my troubles

    • Reevaluate my life and get the help I need

    Lastly, how do you deal with fame and fortune?

    Spend Day as Rock Star to Know If You'd Shine Bright orโ€ฆ Quiz paparazzi cameras photo celeb famous
    • I use my fame and fortune to help others

    • I become entitled and demanding

    • I indulge in excess and partying

    • I stay humble and grounded

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