🍿 If You Think We Can’t Guess Your Zodiac Sign Based on How You Rate These Snack Foods, Think Again
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You got: Taurus!

20% of players got this result!

You have the taste buds of a Taurus. A Taurus is one who is both cautious and determined. You take your time easing into things in relationships. Similarly, you won't spend your money until you're sure it's the right choice. (But you're not frugal; you like nice things.) You don't like to take risks, because you don't always deal well with change. Sound like you?


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Have you ever wondered if your food preferences such as choice of snacks can tell you anything about your personality? While it may sound farfetched, some experts believe that what you eat may be a doorway into your personality.

People who indulge in meaty snacks such as jerky and chicken nuggets are often extremely loyal, trusting and vivacious. Individuals who crave potato chips are generally organized, reliable and self-disciplined. No wonder Fortune 500 CEOs are likely to eat potato chips when they snack. Those who enjoy munching on crackers as a snack are ordinarily shy and thoughtful.

There really is a correlation between snack food choices and personality traits. In fact, there may even be a link between your favorite snack foods and star sign. In this quiz, rate some common snacks between 1 to 5 stars according to how much you like them, and see whether your snack opinions reveal the constellation you were born under.

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