Swap Marvel Characters With Comedy Characters and We’ll Guess Your Emotional Age

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The recurring theme in movies featuring Marvel characters is the action and drama between various heroes and villains. But amid the fast-paced storylines, comedy is the ingredient that sets the movies apart from other superhero films.

The Guardians of the Galaxy series is full of hilarious quips, with the dialogue between the erratic Rocket Racoon and his tree friend, Groot, making for many funny moments. Spider-Man has always been known for his quick wit, with his humor apparent in Spider-Man: Homecoming. However, the biggest showcase of comedy is undoubtedly in the Deadpool movies. Wade Wilson has been through some tough times, and he depends on his humor to pull through, sometimes a little too much. He may make inappropriate jokes, but for adult viewers of the series, they provide a breath of fresh air from the graphic violence.

What if Marvel movies were all comedies? In this quiz, you get to replace some of the most popular Marvel characters with comedic ones, while still retaining their superpowers. Who would you pick? Your decisions will help us determine your emotional age!


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Swap Marvel Characters With Comedy Characters & I'll Gu… Quiz Questions

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