This Random Knowledge Quiz Keeps Getting Harder – Can You Get at Least 10/15?

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This quiz features questions that increase in difficulty as you progress. Being able to get the correct answer to each and every one of these general knowledge questions is something very few people are able to do. There are precious few people who are able to score well on a quiz that covers such a wide variety of subjects.

To do well on a quiz like this you will have to be knowledgeable in such areas as literature, television, and film, pop culture, geography, business, astronomy and more. This isn't the type of quiz where you can just study up on one or two subjects and consider yourself as having above-average knowledge. You really need to know your stuff in a bunch of different areas to answer the questions correctly. If you are confident in your abilities, however, then go ahead and give this quiz your best shot. Don't be disappointed if you don’t do as well as you hope, however.

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