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If You Can Pass This “True or False” Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing

It's just two options. You can do it, right?

These days, trivia has become big business. Quiz shows like Jeopardy! and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? dole out millions of dollars each year in prize winnings. Being well-versed in general knowledge is not only one of those things that come in handy down at your local trivia night. A strong trivia background shows a deeper understanding of the world around us, of events past and present, of politics or even economics.

In this quiz, we are going to test your general knowledge to the limit through a series of True or False statements. Of course, acing a quiz like this won't come easy; you'll have to think way back to the stuff you learned in school, and more! It's time to challenge the genius in you and see how your trivia knowledge stacks up against others. Do you have what it takes to come away with a 75 percent score or higher? Good luck!

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  1. 🏅 Ranked #166WILD BILL is ranked 166th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  2. 🏅 Ranked #155Nick Hirst is ranked 155th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
    🏆 80th in TriviaNick Hirst is the 80th top scorer over the last 30 days
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  3. 🏆 167th in TriviaBeth Sweet is the 167th top scorer over the last 30 days
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  4. 🏅 Ranked #20MARK MORRALL is ranked 20th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  5. 🏅 Ranked #24Bill is ranked 24th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  8. 🏆 95th in TriviaYvonne is the 95th top scorer over the last 30 days
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If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Questions

The Sun rises from the north.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Horizon Sunset Sandy Beach

Seoul is the capital of North Korea.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Seoul, South Korea

"Typewriter" is the longest word that can be typed using only the first row on a QWERTY keyboard.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Typewriter background

Gumbo is a stew that originated in Louisiana.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Gumbo

The sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel is 666.

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The bikini is named after the "Bikini Atoll", an island where the United States conducted tests on atomic bombs.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Atomic bomb

Coca-Cola's original color was green.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Coca Cola Soda Soft Drink

On average, at least 1 person is killed by a drunk driver in the United States every hour.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Driving A Car Steering Wheel

Greenland is almost as big as Africa.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Greenland

The French word for travel is "Travail".

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Roger Federer is a famous soccer player.

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The colors of the pills in the Matrix movies were blue and yellow.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing The Matrix 1999

Toronto is the capital city of Canada.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Toronto, Canada

Romanian belongs to the Romance language family, shared with French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

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Albert Einstein had trouble with mathematics when he was in school.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Albert Einstein 4

Fast food restaurant chains Carl's Jr. and Hardee's are owned by the same company.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Carl's Jr.

Matt Damon played an astronaut stranded on an extraterrestrial planet in both of the movies Interstellar and The Martian.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Matt Damon

"27 Club" is a term used to refer to a list of famous actors, musicians, and artists who died at the age of 27.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Kurt Cobain

The scientific name for the Southern Lights is Aurora Australis.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Southern Lights Aurora Australis In New Zealand

Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar for Best Actor in 2004's The Aviator.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Leonardo DiCaprio

Popcorn was invented in 1871 by Frederick W. Rueckheim in the USA where he sold the snack on the streets of Chicago.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing Cinema Theater Kids Teenagers Movie Popcorn

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

If You Can Pass This True or False Trivia Quiz Without Googling, Your Brain Is Amazing mitochondria cells
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