Can You Pass This Ultimate Quiz of “Two Truths and a Lie”?

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You got an incredible score! Wow, that's amazing. You can certainly sniff out the lies from the truth!


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This "Two Truths and a Lie" ultimate quiz will determine your ability to spot fake facts from real ones. This is an ever-important skill to cultivate in modern times. We are all flooded with loads of information every day online but how much of it is true? Humans now need to be able to decipher false information from real facts more than at any other time in human history. This quiz will test your ability to do exactly that.

All of the questions on this quiz contain three statements. You will need to select which (if any) of the statements is a lie in order to answer the question correctly. If you can pass this quiz, you will have demonstrated that you have the ability to determine real facts from false ones.

If you score well then you clearly have an above-average knack for sniffing out fake news and misinformation. There's only one way to determine how good you are at determining true facts from false ones, and that's by taking this quiz.

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