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What Country Invented This?

See if you can identify the countries where these inventions originated.

Scientists around the globe through the ages have come up with several developments that have completely changed humanity and the world as a whole. For each of these inventions, see if you can identify the country where it originated.

Curious to know if your country brought any good (or evil) into this world? Find out next!

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  1. ๐Ÿ… Ranked #21MARK MORRALL is ranked 21st for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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    Mega FanMARK MORRALL is the comment megastar!
    GrandmasterMARK MORRALL has played over 1000 quizzes
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    3 months ago
  2. ๐Ÿ… Ranked #26Bill is ranked 26th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
    ๐Ÿ† 19th in TriviaBill is the 19th top scorer over the last 30 days
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What Country Invented This? Quiz Questions

Which country invented the 3 point seat belt?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 01 seatbelt_01
  • Canada

  • Sweden

Which country invented the light bulb?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 02 light bulb
  • United States

  • United Kingdom

Which country invented the wrist watch?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 03 wrist watch
  • South Korea

  • Switzerland

Which country invented the dynamite?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 04 Dynamite
  • China

  • Sweden

Which country invented the microwave oven?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 05 Microwave oven
  • France

  • United States

Which country invented the World Wide Web?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 06 Internet
  • Italy

  • United Kingdom

Which country invented the saxophone?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 07 Saxophone
  • Finland

  • Belgium

Which country invented the navigational compass?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 08 Compass
  • China

  • Uruguay

Which country invented the fire extinguisher?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 09 Fire extinguisher
  • United Kingdom

  • Russia

Which country invented Bluetooth?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 10 Bluetooth
  • Brazil

  • Netherlands

Which country invented the refrigerator?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 11 refrigerator
  • United States

  • Denmark

Which country invented the telescope?

What Country Invented This? Quiz
  • Canada

  • Netherlands

Which country invented the helicopter?

What Country Invented This? Quiz Helicopter
  • Russia

  • South Korea

Which country invented the zipper?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 14 Zipper
  • Japan

  • United States

Which country invented the hot air balloon?

What Country Invented This? Quiz 15 Hot air balloon
  • France

  • Australia

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