Doughnuts have long been a go-to snack for people who are looking for a convenient and easy way to fulfill their hunger and pacify their sweet tooth. Few breakfast pastries are more popular than the humble doughnut. The variety that this baked good comes in is not only pleasing to your tastebuds but a feast for the eyes at the same time. It may be difficult to pick just one flavor at the bakery. Nonetheless, the one you choose can say a lot about you.
If you love a chocolate-frosted doughnut, you're probably a social butterfly due to your dynamic personality. You're extremely reliable too. If you enjoy a Boston cream doughnut, you tend to be a diplomatic person who is down-to-earth. You're always promoting harmony in times of crisis. If you're a sucker for cream-filled doughnuts, you're just acting cool on the outside. On the inside? There's so much going on!
In this quiz, we can find out the specific doughnut flavor that matches your personality the best. What doughnut are you? For this, you need to answer the following doughnut and pastry-related questions honestly.
Strawberry frosted!
Personally never had those but they look appetizing
You got: Chocolate Sprinkled!
You are independent and can be trusted to be on your own. Regardless of your age, you remain young at heart. You always look at the brighter side of life. Your optimism allows you to have fun and be playful. You are also fearless, making decisions according to what you want and not thinking about the consequences.
Eww! I hate chocolate!!
Sorry if you like chocolate! I just think it is very gross!
Changed my mind! Chocolate is awesome!
strawberry frosting. i like it 😀
jelly?… sis likes these jelly donuts🍩
damn i got glazed
You got: Strawberry Frosted
You’ve been living a rather mundane lifestyle, but you’ve recently started looking for some flavor in your life. You know what you like and have always stuck to them, but you’ve become aware that you need to keep things interesting. Your friends are your world and you can’t get enough of spending time with them!
You got: Chocolate Sprinkled!
You are independent and can be trusted to be on your own. Regardless of your age, you remain young at heart. You always look at the brighter side of life. Your optimism allows you to have fun and be playful. You are also fearless, making decisions according to what you want and not thinking about the consequences.
Chocolate donuts are the best
Same! I’m actually so happy abt this cuz I LOVE chocolate 🍫