Star signs group you with other people who are born around the same time. Based on your star sign, there are a lot of general assumptions that can be made about the traits you possess and the type of person you would be most compatible with.
An Aries would have a great relationship with other fire signs, such as Leo and Sagittarius. People with the Taurus sign would be perfect with those who are down-to-earth, usually Virgos and Capricorns. Since Geminis get bored easily, they'd find it exciting to be with a Libra or an Aquarius. A Cancer would like being with a Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus. Leos tend to find the best love with other Leos or Libras.
Every person has a zodiac sign based on his birthdate. But we think that is not a good way to determine it. Instead, we'll analyze your personality to tell you which sign you actually fall under. All you have to do is answer the following questions and "voila"!
I’m a Taurus, but it gave me Leo. But I do have ascendant Leo, so I guess that’s just how I come accross?
nooooo i’m taurus not a virgo i dont like it i fell of my bed in shock they got it wrong.
Cancer is correct!!!!!!!!! ♋♀️
Pisces, no cancer
I have just fallen off my chair in amazement. You actually got it right.
Aries You`re wrong I`m a Capricorn ( Goat )
I got cancer for relationship attachment, no I’m actually a piecies
But I am a little attached to ppl.
I’m a Capricorn lol, not a Taurus 💅
I’m not a Capricorn. I’m an Aries
But I’m a Leo.. 😂