This “Which Food Must Go” Game Will Reveal If You’re More Introverted or Extroverted

You got: More Introverted!

33% of players got this result!

You prefer to stay home on a Friday night, curling up by the fire with a good book or a laptop with Netflix shows ready to go. You don't hate people, but you prefer to keep your friend group small. It takes a while for you to trust people, but once you do, you'd stick by them no matter what.


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When you think of your favorite foods and how much you love them, it's hard to understand why someone else doesn't appreciate them as much as you do. But it's just a fact of life that everyone has different taste preferences.

Take the divisive fruit of South East Asia, durian, for example. People who can brave its spiky exterior and pungent smell can't get enough of its rich and fleshy interior. However, the overwhelming smells makes most people detest the fruit altogether. Another such food is mayonnaise. Lovers of this condiment believe that mayonnaise goes well with almost all kinds of food. However, haters are put off by the common use of mayonnaise in school lunches and fast food items.

In this quiz, you get to look at different pairs of similar foods and make a hard decision as to which you'd rather live without. Don't worry, it's just for this quiz! From your choices, we will be able to tell you if you're more introverted or extroverted!

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