❤️ Why Are You Still Single?

You never grew up!

14% of players got this result!

You are still living the life of a younger person. You aren't ready to be an adult or be in an adult relationship right now. 


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There’s nothing wrong at all with being single. For a lot of people, life is far more enjoyable and comfortable when not in a relationship. Some find the personal freedom and independence they get from this way of life beat anything a relationship could offer anyway.

On the other hand, some people have had single life thrust upon them. This may be due to not being able to find the right partner, having been involved with the wrong partner(s), or some other variety of scenarios. It’s also possible that some people just aren’t the kind of person who should be in a relationship too.

If you are currently single and would like to know why that is so, then take this quiz and answer the questions as honestly as you can. We will be able to determine a good reason for your single status once you answer these 15 questions.

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