🤓 Build a Hipster Boyfriend and We’ll Guess Your Birth Month and Generation

Will he sport a man bun?

The term "hipster" is defined as a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream. However, the term has colloquially been used to refer to those who have obnoxious and obscure tastes. Even if they may not be everyone's cup of tea, there are many reasons why you should be friends with or date a hipster!

Hanging out with a hipster will introduce you to a world of new music, especially from independent artistes who make equally good, or better, music. In the same way, he will also bring you to the newest, coolest spots for your dinners together or a cup of artisan coffee. Hipsters are usually very passionate people, so they will understand and try to take part in something you're passionate about too.

In this quiz, you get to build your very own hipster boyfriend! Pick everything you want in your dream guy. Your taste in men will help us guess not only the month you were born in, but the generation you're a part of too!

Quiz Playlist

Can We Guess? Quizzes
  1. This Is Sorta Weird, But We Can Guess Your Age Based on the Things You Have in Your Fridge
  2. Rate These Trendy Foods and We’ll Accurately Guess Your Age
  3. 🌮 Eat an International Food for Every Letter of the Alphabet If You Want Us to Guess Your Generation
  4. Decorate Your House With These Decor Trends and We’ll Guess Which Generation You’re from
  5. We Can Guess Your Age Just by the Foods You Find Gross 🤢
  6. Can We Guess Your Age Based on How Many of These Meals You Can Cook?
  7. 🍺 Pick Some Booze and We’ll Guess How Old You Act
  8. 🥧 Believe It or Not, This Pie Quiz Will Actually Reveal How Old You Are
  9. Build a Disney Mega Meal and We’ll Guess How Old You Are
  10. Pick These Actors’ Best Films and We’ll Guess Your Age Accurately
  11. Can We *Actually* Reveal an Accurate Truth About You Purely Based on Your Food Decisions?
  12. The Way You Feel About These Bland Foods 🍞 Will Reveal Exactly How Old You Are
  13. 👕 Dress Your Dream Guy and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height
  14. 👗 Design a Fancy Gown and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height
  15. 🍽 Take This “Would You Rather” Food Quiz and We’ll Guess Where You’re from
  16. Dip These Foods in Sauces and We’ll Guess Your Eye Color
  17. 🐱 Build a Cat and We’ll Guess What You Look Like
  18. Tell Us Which Celebrities With the Same Names You Prefer and We’ll Guess Your Favorite Film Genre
  19. 🥪 Make Some Difficult Sandwich Choices and We’ll Guess Your Birth Order
  20. Make Some Impossible “Actress Vs. Character” Choices and We’ll Guess Your Exact Age and Height
  21. 🍎 Rate Some Fruits and We’ll Guess Your Age With 100% Accuracy
  22. Rate These British Guys and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height
  23. 🍝 Can We Accurately Guess Your Age Based on Your Pasta Opinions?
  24. 🍟 Pick Some McDonald’s Foods and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height
  25. Tell Us Your Favorite Songs and We’ll Guess Your Favorite Boyband
  26. ☀️ Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Summer Experiences?
  27. Can We Guess Your Age Based on the Life Skills You Have?
  28. Form Your Superhero Dream Team and We’ll Guess Your Age With 99% Accuracy
  29. Rate These 16 Starbucks Drinks and We Will Guess Your Eye Color
  30. 🍕 Don’t Freak Out, But This Pizza Quiz Will Accurately Reveal Your Zodiac Sign


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Build Hipster Boyfriend & I'll Guess Birth Month & Gene… Quiz Questions