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Pretend to Work as a ✈️ Flight Attendant and We’ll See How You Manage

It's not as easy as it looks.

Do you think you would make it as a flight attendant? It is a very demanding job and you have to deal with unruly passengers at times. We’ve all seen that there is no shortage of videos online of flight attendants having to put up with abuse from rude passengers. You have to be very patient to work in such a role but you would get to travel all over the globe.

This quiz will determine how well you would do as a flight attendant. It will provide you with several scenarios that flight attendants regularly have to deal with and then you are tasked with selecting the option that best represents how you would handle the situation. It is entirely possible that the stress of the job would result in you quitting on the spot. On the other hand, you might really excel in such a role. Take this quiz to find out how you would fare as a flight attendant.

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Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Questions

The plane takeoff has been delayed. One passenger keeps asking you how much longer it will be. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz airplane
  • "Accidentally" spill something in their lap

  • Politely tell them you aren't sure

  • Ask them how much longer they are going to keep bugging you for

  • Keep telling them "5 minutes" every time even if that's not how long it will take

One passenger's "carry on" item is so large that it cannot be safely stored in the overhead compartment. The passenger is adamant that they should not have to check it, however. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Airplane Carry-ons
  • Dump the contents of the bag out on the person's lap and just see how they react

  • Say nothing but take their bag and have it checked

  • Apologize but say that the bag absolutely must be checked

  • Take the person's bag and leave it on the tarmac

One passenger has been repeatedly abusive to the airline's staff and has been asked to deboard the plane before takeoff. They are refusing, however. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Angry Person
  • Contact security to have the person taken out

  • Let the other passengers know the flight can't take off until the person leaves and let nature sort it out

  • Throw coffee creamers at the passenger until they exit the plane

  • Record the person with your phone and post it online

After takeoff the seatbelt sign is still on but one passenger gets up and starts walking in the aisle. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz seat-belt-sign-airplane-FLASHINGBELT0218-abe199337ad04b10b76be54446c78591
  • Tackle the passenger to the ground

  • Call out to the passenger to sit back down

  • Ignore the situation

  • Throw coffee creamers at the passenger until they sit down

One passenger has decided to remove their socks and shoes. They then put their feet up on the backrest of the seat in front of them. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz flight bare feet
  • Ignore the situation

  • Politely instruct the passenger to put their feet down

  • Grab their toes and bend them in separate directions

  • Yell at the person to put their feet down

Two passengers begin to argue when one person asks the other to exchange seats so that they can sit with their partner. The other person does not want to give it up. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Stubborn Woman Argue Fight
  • Record the argument and post it online

  • Ask other passengers seated nearby if they could switch seats instead

  • Allow the two people to argue until they are both too tired to continue

  • Politely tell the person you will find a suitable place for them to sit with their partner

One passenger has gotten drunk mid-flight and is disturbing others around him. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Flight beer
  • Ignore the problem entirely

  • Refuse to serve the passenger anymore alcohol

  • Toss a blanket over the passenger's head and tell them it's "mandatory nap time"

  • Lock the passenger in the bathroom until they have sobered up

One passenger is evidently upset with the in-flight service being slow. They have walked up to the galley to order a drink. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz flight attendant cart
  • Politely explain that passengers are not allowed in the galley

  • Begin pouring all the drinks out in the sink to prove a point

  • Tell the person you will bring their drink to their seat but then just never do it

  • Serve the person a drink

Somehow dozens of venomous snakes have been released during the flight. This is very similar to the plot of 2006's "Snakes on a Plane" starring Samuel L. Jackson. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Snakes on a Plane
  • Release a mongoose on the plane to eat the snakes

  • Try to tame the snakes

  • Open the plane door, jump out, and hope for the best

  • Hope that someone like Samuel L. Jackson can save the day

One passenger is sleeping with their legs stretched out into the aisle. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz plane sleep
  • Ram the drink cart into their legs with maximum force

  • Politely ask the passenger to keep his legs out of the aisle

  • Ram the drink cart into their legs with minimal force

  • Ram the drink cart into their legs with moderate force

A passenger named DB Cooper has handed you a note stating that they have a bomb and are demanding a ransom. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz DB Cooper
  • Help DB Cooper collect his ransom and jump out of the plane

  • Encourage DB Cooper to blow up the plane because you can't stand doing your job anymore

  • Ignore the situation and treat DB Cooper as any other passenger

  • Take a selfie with the famous DB Cooper!

One passenger is upset that there is a crying baby near them. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Crying boy
  • Ask the baby nicely if they wouldn't mind being quieter

  • Give the passenger a pair of headphones and ear plugs

  • Apologize and see if there is an open seat you can move the person to

  • Say "I'll handle that for you right away" and then don't do anything about it

This woman is upset with the service on the flight and is claiming to know the airline's owner personally. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Karen Haircut
  • Pretend to call the airline owner on the phone

  • Apologize and ask if there's anything that can be done

  • Give the person a free upgrade to first class

  • Record the woman's ranting and post it to social media

A passenger continually pressed the call button several times before you had a chance to respond. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz Flight Attendant air stewardess
  • Have a very sarcastic attitude when serving the person for the remainder of the flight

  • Brush aside the rudeness and just do your best with the passenger

  • Tell the person they actually pressed the "Emergency Landing" button and now must make an emergency landing in the ocean

  • Ignore the call button and never see what the person needs

The flight has landed but before the seatbelt sign has been turned off, a passenger stands up and begins retrieving their bags from the overhead compartment. How do you handle the situation?

Work as a ️ Flight Attendant & I'll See How You Manage Quiz flight overhead compartment
  • Politely call out to the person to sit down

  • Ignore the person completely

  • Allow the person to get hit with a bag when they open the compartment

  • Yell at the person to sit down

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