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Can We Guess Your Age Based on Whether You’ve Tried These Foods?

Have you ever had caviar?

When you were a kid, you probably didn't have the luxury of being an adventurous eater. Instead, you had to scarf down whatever food your parents had prepared. But when you grow up and become in control of your eating habits, you get to experience new cuisines and dishes. With this new found independence, there are some dishes you should try at least once.

Get a taste of razor clams, with tubular-shaped shells instead of the common heart-shaped ones. Even if you're not a big fan of seafood, trying this meatier option just once may convert you. If you're in for a health kick, you should pick up some goji berries. This superfood can be eaten on its own or in a baked item. When you are able to afford food of a finer quality, you should go for something with truffle. This luxurious mushroom adds another dimension of flavor to any food.

In this quiz, let's see if you have tried the following foods! Your foodie experience will reveal your actual age.

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  1. 🏅 Ranked #31Janet is ranked 31st for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  2. 🏅 Ranked #144bewitchingomen is ranked 144th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Questions

Have you tried tempura prawns?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Tempura Prawn

Have you ever had a taste of game meat?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Fresh venison with red wine on forester lodge

Have you drank black coffee with no sugar before?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz black coffee with no sugar

Have your taste buds been exposed to couscous?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Couscous

Have you eaten chocolate liqueur candies before?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz 170124 rothbaum whiskey chocolates embed_sxcy46

Have you ever had caviar?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Sturgeon Caviar

How about Brussels sprouts?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Brussels sprouts2

Have you eaten blue cheese?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz blue cheese3

Have you tried poached eggs?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz poached eggs1

Have you eaten cantaloupe before?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz cantaloupe

Have you ever tried a spoonful of lentils?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz lentils

Have you had the chance to taste pesto?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz pesto

Have you had chickpeas before?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz chickpeas1

Have you ever drank red wine?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz red wine

Have you ever had kale?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Kale in rustic basket on daylight  close Up

Do you know what mackerel tastes like?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz mackerel dish

What about smoked salmon?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz smoked salmon1

Have you eaten mussels before?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Mussels

Have you had a sip of martini before?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Martini1

Have you ever tasted truffle?

Can We Guess Your Age by Whether You've Tried Foods? Quiz Truffle mushrooms
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