From Martha Washington to Melania Trump, there have been 47 women who have served as First Lady of the United States. Though their husbands may have stolen the spotlight, these first ladies had a great impact on American history and culture.
Over the years, these powerful, colorful and influential women have adopted charitable causes, inspired the nation, helped their husbands win elections and taken care of business in their spouses' absence. They have been hostesses, helpers, advisers, gatekeepers, guardians, confidantes, and sometimes formidable powers behind the scene, in a completely unique job that is unofficial, unpaid but unequivocally important.
This quiz is a tribute to the first ladies of the United States of America. It will test your knowledge about the women who helped shape America. Are you able to identify the first ladies in this quiz? Name as many as you can and qualify yourself as a true American.
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Can you name this First Lady?

Nancy Reagan
Barbara Bush
Lady Bird Johnson
Florence Harding
Can you name this First Lady?

Hillary Clinton
Rosalynn Carter
Jacqueline Kennedy
Patricia Nixon
Can you name this First Lady?

Eleanor Roosevelt
Mamie Eisenhower
Michelle Obama
Laura Bush
Can you name this First Lady?

Michelle Obama
Bess Truman
Melania Trump
Grace Coolidge
Can you name this First Lady?

Margaret Wilson
Jacqueline Kennedy
Lou Hoover
Edith Wilson
Can you name this First Lady?

Helen Taft
Barbara Bush
Laura Bush
Ellen Wilson
Can you name this First Lady?

Frances Preston
Ida McKinley
Lady Bird Johnson
Edith Roosevelt
Can you name this First Lady?

Barbara Bush
Rose Cleveland
Mary McElroy
Lucretia Garfield
Can you name this First Lady?

Lucy Hayes
Julia Grant
Eliza Johnson
Rosalynn Carter
Can you name this First Lady?

Mary Lincoln
Harriet Lane
Eleanor Roosevelt
Jane Pierce
Can you name this First Lady?

Abigail Fillmore
Margaret Taylor
Grace Coolidge
Sarah Polk
Can you name this First Lady?

Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Aung San Suu Kyi
Angela Merkel
Can you name this First Lady?

Florence Harding
Julia Tyler
Priscilla Tyler
Letitia Tyler
Can you name this First Lady?

Bess Truman
Angelica Van Buren
Jane Harrison
Anna Harrison
Can you name this First Lady?

Mary Robinson
Julia Gillard
Margaret Thatcher
Melania Trump
I am A first lady champion!!!
15/15 terrific!!!