If You Can Make It Through 10/15 Questions Without Tripping Up, You’re a Certified Genius

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Wow you got perfect! Did you look any of these up before answering? Ah well, either way, you did great!


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  1. MasterMia has played over 200 quizzes
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Being able to read between the lines, determine true facts from fiction, and looking for hidden motivations are the tactics of those who understand just how many curveballs life will throw at us every day. Only the sharpest, most capable and adaptable people are able to navigate their way through all the tricks and misleading information which exist in our world. If you think you happened to be good at these types of scenarios then it's possible you could get through these questions successfully.

The questions in this quiz are designed to get you thinking one way when the answer is actually coming from another direction. If you have the ability to see through the trickery in these questions, you might be considered a certifiable genius. if you think that might be you then you will want to take this quiz, answer the questions contained within, and see if you can get through at least 10 trick questions without tripping up.

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