If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re a Real Lazy Girl

You got: Not Lazy!

You're definitely not a lazy girl! You're actually pretty active, setting aside a little bit of time every day to get your body moving. You can't sit still for too long either.


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From young, everyone around us is on our case about not being lazy. Our parents think that any time that isn't put to productive use is a waste of time. To take away this negative notion, we've got some scenarios where being lazy may be seen in a positive light.

If you're lazing in bed, you're staying away from practically all potential danger. Who ever gets attacked by a bear in their bed? No one at all. If you get too lazy to do the dishes and let them pile up, someone else will eventually get sick of the mess and do it for you. Who said nothing good comes out of being lazy? Even Bill Gates has said he'd get a lazy person to do a difficult task as such a person "will find an easy way to do it".

In this quiz, find out if you're as lazy as you think you are! Tell us what you've done out of the following unique experiences and we'll reveal the truth about you.

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