🐰 Pick Some Baby Animals and We’ll Reveal Your Introvert/Extrovert Status

You got: Anxious Introvert!

33% of players got this result!

You're usually on your own, not only because you feel exhausted a while after being around people, but because you get anxious in social gatherings. You may not have a reason behind it, but your anxiety catches up with you and makes you feel unwanted in that environment. You tend to feel like it would be better for you to be on your own.


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To humans, the term "baby" is the straightforward way to describe an animal's young, just because that's what we call ours. However, there are technically various words to call different animals' kids. How many do you actually know?

You should know that a baby pig is a piglet, especially from the character in Winnie the Pooh. However, what do you call a baby boar? In the same way, it's known as a boarlet. That isn't as common as a shoat, however. A platypus is a mammal that lays eggs and the babies are known as puggles - how cute!

I think we can agree that no matter what kind of animal it is, all babies are adorable! So, in this quiz, you get to take on the difficult task of choosing the cutest among the different kinds of animal youngsters. Your picks will reveal what sort of introvert or extrovert you are deep down!

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